charleston flowers

Giving Myself Grace

March 4, 2016

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This is a blog post that has been a few months in the making.  And if I’m really honest, it’s probably years overdue.  2015 was my busiest year yet and at the end of the year, I was completely drained.  For the first time since becoming a full-time photographer, I was relieved for the off-season.  I relished in the quiet time I finally had to myself.  I looked forward to curling up on the couch, mindlessly watching Law and Order: SVU reruns.  I wouldn’t go so far as to say I was burned out, but I could definitely feel impact of shooting 50+ weddings, blogging three times a week consistently, and delivering images to my clients in under two weeks.  In the off-season, it really dawned on me that I wasn’t giving myself enough grace to fully enjoy the benefits of being self-employed throughout the year and I was exhausted.

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

Those closest to me know that 2016 has been an extremely rough year for me so far.  Sure, my business is thriving – but my personal life has been a complete disaster.  In the past, I’ve hidden from the hardships within my personal life by investing everything I have into my business.  It’s where I feel most confident and accomplished.  It’s been my safe haven.  However, I’m realizing that I need to take care of myself, give myself a break, and breathe.  What good is a thriving business when I don’t have the ability to truly enjoy the fruits of my labor?  It took some pretty earth-shattering moments this year for me to realize that it’s so important for me to nurture other parts of my life – and it’s time to take a few steps back and re-evaluate how to find a better balance in my life.

(C) Dana Cubbage Weddings 2016

So what does this mean, exactly?  I don’t know yet.  Right now, it means giving myself a “pass” if I don’t/can’t blog three times a week.  It means not stressing over social media posts, blog posts, and Pinterest.  It means taking a day off once in a while.  It means letting emails sit in my inbox for longer than an hour – even though it drives me crazy not to answer them right away.  It means taking a break from culling + editing if I feel the need… and not feeling guilty about it.  It means saying “no” to shoots and projects that don’t excite me.  It means taking the time to connect with family + friends, even when things are super busy.  It means journaling, coffee dates, brainstorm sessions, and just sitting still for a moment whenever needed.  It means protecting my calendar – and sticking to it, even if a client wants to meet or do an engagement session on my only day off.  It means giving myself permission to take some time to myself – to nurture my mind, body, and soul so that I can continue to serve my clients to the best of my ability.

So thank you to all of my fabulous friends, clients, and family members for giving me the freedom to give myself some much needed grace as I navigate the rest of 2016.  Please bear with me – this is brand new territory for this notorious workaholic!!  Wish me luck!!

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With a well-worn passport in hand, and an affinity for a good cocktail, Dana works with fun-loving and kind-hearted clients around the globe. 

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